Friday 8 June 2012

1st Year

This week we are taking the booklet "Pet Shop" home. We've listened to the story in class and we've practised reading it, but now we need to work on it at home. Next week there will be a written task to check our reading comprehension and we will also have to read the story aloud. Listen to the CD while reading the text to get familiar with the sounds and read the story aloud at home as often as possible.

Aquesta setmana portem el llibret "Pet Shop" a casa. Hem escoltat el conte a classe i n'hem practicat la lectura, però ara cal treballar-lo a casa. La propera setmana farem una prova escrita per comprovar la comprensió lectora i també haurem de llegir el conte en veu alta. Escolteu el CD mentre llegiu el text per familiaritzar-vos amb els sons i llegiu el conte en veu alta tan sovint com pugueu. 

Enjoy the story!

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