Wednesday 18 April 2012

2nd Year

Last week we started a new unit about little wild beasts and we listened to a story called Timothy. In the story we learn about a centipede who grows and grows until he makes himself sick! The story is full of useful vocabulary and English structures that your children can use on a daily basis: numbers from 10 to 60, family relations, expressions like "What have you done?" or "I've been sick", quite close to our kids' reality.

Listen to the story on the CD as often as you can and encourage your child to use the language in the story as well as identify any bugs he/she comes across.

La setmana passada vam començar una unitat sobre les "petites bèsties" i vam escoltar un conte anomenat "Timothy". El conte ens explica com un centpeus creix i creix fins que acaba vomitant! La història està plena de vocabulari i estructures angleses que els vostres fills poden usar diariament: els nombres del 10 al 60, membres de la família, expressions com "Què has fet?" o "He vomitat", prou properes a la realitat dels nostres nens i nenes.

Escolteu la història al CD tan sovint com pugueu i animeu el vostre fill a fer servir el llenguatge del conte a més d'identificar qualsevol animaló que es trobi pel camí.

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