Thursday 29 March 2012

1st Year

We have been preparing the booklet "Morning and Night" in class and now we are taking it home to show it to our family and practise reading it. The story is in the CD: we need to listen to it as often as possible as we read the booklet. It is a good oportunity to talk about sleeping habits! Ask your children questions about the animals in the story, the greetings and encourage them to use some of the story's sentences in their every day life. When we come back from the holiday we have to bring the booklet to school, since our teachers will continue to work with it.

Hem estat preparant el llibret "Morning and Night" a classe i ara el portem a casa per ensenyar-lo a la família i practicar la lectura. El conte està al CD: cal que l'escoltem mentre llegim tantes vegades com sigui possible. És una bona oportunitat per parlar dels hàbits de son! Pregunteu als vostres fills sobre els animals del conte, les salutacions i encoratgeu-los que facin servir algunes de les frases de la història al seu dia a dia. Quan tornem de les vacances hem de portar el llibret a l'escola perquè les mestres continuaran treballant-hi.


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