Saturday 29 October 2011

All Years - Ezra, the English Visitor

Dear all,

This week we’ve had a very special visitor, a teacher that has come all the way from England to spend a few days with us. He has shared his time with almost all the classes in Primary and with some classes in Secondary, and children have had a great time working on Halloween, Science and other topics. Now that he’s gone everyone is asking about him, so a big THANK YOU!! to Ezra for his help and kindness, and for the opportunity to ask dozens of questions to a native speaker. We hope to see him at the school again soon!

Aquesta setmana hem tingut una visita molt especial, un professor que ha vingut des d’Anglaterra per passar uns dies amb nosaltres. Ha entrat a pràcticament totes les aules de primària i algunes de secundària, i els nois i noies s’ho han passat d’allò més bé treballant Halloween, ciència i altres temes. Ara que ha marxat tothom demana per ell, així que MOLTES GRÀCIES Ezra! per la teva ajuda i amabilitat i per l’oportunitat de fer-te dotzenes de preguntes com a nadiu. Esperem tornar-lo a veure per l’escola aviat!

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