Sunday 5 December 2010

2nd Year


We hope you're having a nice break. It is best, though, not to loose touch with the foreign language we're learning, so there are a couple of tasks that we can do these days.

Word cards: we started a couple of sets in class, that we need to finish so that we can use them in our games. Clothes and food. In the Activity Book there are three sets of food cards, but we only have to complete two: the set with the ice-cream and the set with the milk (12 cards in total, plus six cards of clothes). Remember to initial the cards on the back and to write the word in English, that you will find in the picture dictionary at the end of the student's book.

Christmas Carol: we have the lyrics in the notebook, and all the children know the tune. Note that the pronunciation of "ha'penny" is "heipni". Take a chance to explore your child's notebook and comment it with him/her.

See you soon!

Hola! Esperem que estigueu gaudint del descans d'aquests dies. El millor, però, es mantenir-se en contacte amb la llengua estrangera que estem aprenent. Hi ha un parell de tasques que hauríeu de fer.

Cartes de paraules: hem començat un parell de sets a classe que hem d'acabar per poder jugar amb elles. La roba i el menjar. A l'Activity Book hi ha tres sets de cartes de menjar, però només n'hem de completar dos: el del gelat i el de la llet (12 cartes de menjar en total i 6 de roba). Recordeu-vos de posar les vostres inicials al darrera i el nom de la carta, que trobareu al diccionari il·lustrat al final del Student's Book.

La Nadala: tenim la lletra a la llibreta i els nois i noies saben la tonada. Fixeu-vos que la pronúncia de "ha'penny" és "heipni". Aprofiteu per explorar la llibreta del vostre fill/a i comenteu-la amb ell/a.

Fins aviat!

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