Thursday 7 October 2010

6th Year


This week we've been to the computer room and we've complemented what we're doing in class with some activities online. We're becoming quite proficient in everything related to the climate: biomes, geography, housing... We've made a virtual trip to English schools and we're happy to say that we've understood a lot of what we've read and seen!

Keep practising at: You will be learning without noticing it! Explore all the possibilities!


Aquesta setmana hem anat a l'aula d'ordinadors i hem complementat el que fem a classe amb algunes activitats online. Estem esdevenint uns entesos en tot allò relacionat amb el clima: biomes, geografia, construccions... Hem fet un viatge virtual a escoles angleses i ens fa feliços dir que hem entès molt del què hem llegit i hem vist!

Hem de continuar practicant a: Aprendrem sense adonar-nos-en! Exploreu totes les possibilitats!

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